UPDATE: The Great JHS Cereal Challenge!

Bring in your donations of cereal until December 5th - let's help the Fort Qu'Appelle Food Bank!

We're getting close to the deadline, and we could use more cereal! In addition to receiving 500 points towards earning the Warrior Cup at the end of the year, the Warrior Colour Group that brings in the most cereal will get to use the gym during a lunch recess - on these cold winter days, that's definitely a bonus!

In addition, and perhaps even more exciting, the individual student who brings in the most cereal will get to pie Ms. Sandberg in the FACE! That would be something to see, so get that cereal in!

And don't forget, we're also competing against Edenwold School to see who can bring in the most cereal overall - we will be counting per capita since Edenwold has about half our student population, so it could be anyone's game!

Students should bring their cereal to the office, where the SLC will keep a tally of how many boxes each colour group brings in.

Let's go, Warriors!