Please see the documents section at the bottom of the page for all forms required to register your child(ren) at James Hamblin School. All forms must be filled out completely and signed. (Note: Students who have not previously attended any school are not required to have the Cumulative Record Transfer form filled out).
All students require a billet in case of an emergency where they must leave the school but their parent/guardian is unavailable. Billets must have an address in the same town as the school, and must have adult supervision available, especially in cases where an overnight stay may be required.
Proof of identification is required for all registrants. This consists of any one of the following: Birth Certificate, Passport, Status Card or Immigration Papers/Permanent Resident Card. If the child being registered is a Non-Canadian citizen, proof of legal status must be provided. This consists of one of the following: Study Permit, Refugee Category, Parent Work/Study Permit or Permanent Resident Document.
If parents are separated or divorced, a copy of the court order or written agreement between parties outlining custody arrangements must be provided. If no document is provided, joint custody will be assumed until the correct documentation can be shown. In the instance where a parent/guardian/other designated person does not have access to a student, indicate "protection" on the form and provide the legal document stating the terms of the protection.
In the instance of guardianship, please provide the legal document showing your guardian status and that you have the right to make all decisions for the child.
If there are any questions regarding any of the forms, please feel free to contact the school at 699-2301