Registration » Registration


James Hamblin School
If you are new to the community and have not registered your child, you can now register them using an online form. Follow this link to access the online registration form: Online Student Registration Form.
This new option is a convenient way to register students, particularly when the school is closed during the summer or other holidays.

Once the form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation with the completed registration form for your records. This email will also contain a link where you can securely upload any additional documentation electronically to the school; you will need to upload your child's birth certificate, as well as the following forms:

Student Acceptable Use Agreement for Technology
Permission for Use of Student Work and Personal Information
School Activities and Travel Consent

If you choose to register your child in person, please click here for the most up-to-date forms and information required for registration.

School supply lists can be found here.
